Saturday, October 27, 2012

Crazy Colours!!!

I saw this on a post, but can't seem to find it again - how crazy does that make me??? If anyone knows the original version of this, give me a gentle memory-reminder, please.

Anyway, I tried it with my kids this week and it worked brilliantly. Each child had a piece of A3 paper, already divided up into 2.5cm squares. 
On the top row they wrote their name using capital letters...
The second row was for their favourite 'thing'...
Third row was for their favourite colour...
Best ever friend was for the fourth row...
And the last row was for something they just loved...
Now a little trick that I have discovered over the years with painting, and black markers, is to use laundry markers for the black writing. For some reason unexplainable, a black laundry marker doesn't run AT ALL when painted over with water paints. A laundry marker is always on our booklist each year, so each child has their own at art time. Just makes life so much easier...

So everyone's piece of art is now mounted on black card, to make the colours pop, and on display in the room. I have had 4 new students over the last 3 weeks, and this was a great activity to get to know them a little further, and to also quickly have a piece of their work up on display at this late stage of the year - only 7 more teaching weeks with this little class. How quickly the year has flown...


  1. These look great Judith! I love the idea - I'm always looking for something different to do at the start of the school year!

    Have a great week!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  2. Thanks for the laundry marker tip Judith, they look great!
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  3. I know you posted this a while ago, but I had to comment. These are really beautiful! I love the painterly style combined with the text. I bet the kids enjoyed making these.

  4. Those look stunning. What kind of paint did you use? Not regular water colors in the palette? I think if I'd read this sooner I'd have had my daughters make me these for my birthday!

    1. These are made with a vivid powder paint that we have at school ~ 1 teaspoon of the powder mixed with water (so, yes, a water colour) lasts for several weeks ...


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