Friday, August 31, 2012

Counting Counts!!!

The title of Year 1 Unit 6 Mathematics assessment for this week. Sounds catchy, and exciting... 

The first 3 weeks of Unit 6 in the Australian Curriculum has seen Year 1 focusing on Number Sense. And after 3 straight weeks most, if not all of my class has a very solid understanding of counting, skip counting by 1's, 2's, 5's, 10's to 100 and place value (imagine here my leap of joy at such success!!!) 
The Curriculum so far this year hasn't delved into one area in such depth, usually only allotting 3 or so days to a topic. This Unit has been far the best learning experience for the kids...

The assessment piece was a fun, hands on activity conducted during weekly maths rotates - how easy was this to be??? 

The Australian Curriculum provides everything needed for the assessment piece from the hands-on pieces ...
... which I changed to make larger, child-usable and laminated...
... to the 'cheat-sheet' of prearranged questions to ask each student...

And the kids loved doing the tasks, 4 in all, and didn't realise they were being assessed...

So, another assessment ticked off for this term in Mathematics! Next week (Week 8) has my class moving onto 3 lessons of time (o'clock and half-past) followed by 2 lessons on capacity. 
Off now to hunt out some suitable resources (read: prowl blogs, Pinterest and TpT!!!)


  1. WOW! Is it that prescriptive? I had no idea - or can a school choose to use the text books and assessments pieces? (Although, I must admit, I do like structure and getting assessment out of the way as I go to help with reports).

    What documents are you using?


  2. I can't wait until all schools around the country are using the same curriculum. QLD seems to be much further ahead in developing and implementing this curric in schools than NSW is. I haven't seen much here about the National Curriculum at all! I think that there will still be a lot of differences between the states even though we will supposedly be teaching from the same documents.
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  3. I do love how assessment is ongoing and not at the end of each term. I heard some rumours that C2C will be scrapped.... seems like a big waste of money if it is!!

    Down Under Teacher

  4. I wish they would open C2C to other states. Vic didn't provide any kind of support like that.


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