Friday, July 27, 2012

Why, Thank-you...

Drum roll, please..........for my first teaching blog award!!!!
A huge Aussie thanks to a talented teacher, 
Tania, from Mrs Poultney's Ponderings 
for passing this onto me. She has been kind enough to acknowledge my little blog. Go and meet Tania, and say hello...
And also, would you believe it!!! A second nomination from Vicky who lives at -

The award is the Liebster Award, which has been blog-hopping around the globe for some time now.

But the award comes with rules, that I must adhere to (now I know how my little kids feel in class). 
The rules:
1.  Link back to the person who gave it to you. 
2.  Post the award to your blog. √  

3.  Give the award to other bloggers with less than 200 followers. √ (This was easy with the Newbie Blog Hop happening)

The 5 Newbie Bloggers that I am passing this award onto are...

- Ms Feuerstack from over at Fun and Learning in First    
- Liz at Polka Dot Firsties   

If you have already received this award, think of it as a double bonus at the end of a long week. 
Catch up with you all again soon.....J


  1. thanks for the award--isn't there an image?
    thanks for coming by my blog.

    1. Absolutely!!! Can you tell it is Friday evening after a longgggg week at school - have popped the image in now. Thanks Jessica :)

  2. Oh my! Imagine my surprise when I stopped by to check your blog and I see my face staring back at! As for Jessica's question above, you can edit your post and put the award image in for the other bloggers to pick up. I'm off to read some more! Happy blogging....:)

    Keep Calm & Imagine

    1. Thanks, Vicky. I have now edited and added!!! Am I a Newbie or what???? Keep up with these tips at any time...

  3. Thank you for the award. I have nominated you again. You can check it out at Fun and Learning in First.


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message. And please remember to 'play nicely'...